Hi, Im looking for document which specify the partnumber and firmware revision of HDD that compatible with our HUS 110. The only information I got is Version.txt file from drvfirm folder on firmware update which is hard to translate to partnumber to purchase. We ordered a few but still can not...
Hi All. Ive heritaged an HUS 130 CBSS Controller + DBL Disk Tray in production, but it seems to be bricked. The first time Ive tried to connect to it via HSNM2 by LAN ports, Ive no success. But Ive managed to connect via web-interface. Here are screenshots from two controllers: and in logs...
#HitachiUnifiedStorageHUS #FlashStorage
both disk units are green with no warnings or anything. Can anyone help? #FlashStorage #HitachiUnifiedStorageHUS
Customer asking for FMEA for our storage and Brocade switch, but cant find any info about that, can anyone help? #FlashStorage #HitachiUnifiedStorageHUS #HitachiVirtualStoragePlatformVSP
Ive zoned the Hitachi HUS 110, running firmware 0988, with new HPE gen 10 servers, on a cisco MDS 9148S 16G 48 FC, version 8.1(1). Im however unable to see the hosts on the hitachi box. Any help with this? #FlashStorage #HitachiUnifiedStorageHUS
Esxi 6.5 detected the volume but failed to create datastore as shown in the attached picture. Please advise. #HitachiUnifiedStorageHUS #Vmware #FlashStorage
We have 2 and one is working perfectly well. However the second is showing a failure code of W01200. It is attached to a switch. I can see it in the settings form its IP settings etc. I can even ping it remotely. However I cannot attach to it when I do a scan. I know the IP address to be correct...
Hello Team, When I added SAS 900GB disk for HUS110, an error occurred as follows: W094ZZ HDU alarm(Unit-00,HDU-08,Type-Unknown) :HDU /STRC IY1900 Unsupported HDU was detected(Unit-00,HDU-08) :HDU /STRC W094ZZ HDU alarm(Unit-00,HDU-17,Type-Unknown) ...
We currently are looking at beefing up the performance of our Gx00 fleet to provide fast Commvault backups to a NAS share (Built-in modules). Trawling through the partner portal there seems to be a lot of documentation and guides on how to build a NAS tiered pool and working with HDP, but no...